Only a few cultures, mostly indigenous tribes,
understand and perform a rite of passage at puberty that includes an erotic,
sensual and sexual education taught hands-on by an older person of wisdom and knowledge.
In my mixed blood American Indian tradition, we call these wise ones,
FireWomen and FireMen as it is through their training and initiations
they learn how to awaken the Fire of Delight and Orgasmic Bliss
that brings healing and awareness to the sacredness of Life.
Before European settlement of the Americas, the People of Mother Earth lived in harmony with Nature`s cycles and rhythms. The cycles of Nature gave to the People the rituals for the seasons to be honored and as it was observed in Nature, so, too, did the People perform the rituals to honor their own seasons of living, growing, movement, change and passage of time.
With the blessings of Pele, we can step back in time and remember the ancient Hawaiian way of an openness to sexual experience and education from an older person to a young person coming into puberty. Yes, with the ancient Hawaiians, there was no experience of shame associated with erotic play which often times happened spontaneously. The royal Hawaiians, were expected to be taught a sensual and sexual hands-on education by an older, wiser person (sometimes even an aunt or uncle was the teacher or initiator).
Through shamanic Ericksonian hypnosis and trance drumming, you will return to that time of first awakening and you will meet your FireWoman or FireMan or both. You will be gently guided into an intimate knowledge of your Sacred Painted Rainbow Lodge, your Body, with all senses opened, at your own pace. Perhaps your animal nature and instinct will lead you into a journey of deep self-discovery. You will be at that place of youth, innocence, curiosity, openness, playful, aware and willing to experience intimacy as a soul force of Life`s greatest energy flowing through you like the magma of Pele flows to the ocean and creates new land, so you will also create a new you.
We will assist each other in engaging with the ways of the ancient Hawaiian and reclaim that rite of passage that has been lost for many generations but has returned as the ocean continues to ebb and flow. The magickal child inside you will emerge and live a new Dream, your Sacred Dream.